SSC CGL Tier II Exam: Both Paper 1 & 2
SSC CGL Tier II Exam: Both Paper 1 & 2
Author: Experts Compilation
Publisher: Arihant (2013)
Table of Contents:
Solved Paper 2012
Solved Paper 2011
Paper I: Arithmetical Ability
1. Number System 2. Number Series 3. Simplification 4. Average 5. Ratio and Proportion 6. Mixture or Alligation 7. Surds and Indices 8. Percentage 9. Profit, Loss and Discount 10. Partnership 11. Simple Interest and Compound Interest 12. Permutation and Combination 13. Speed, Distance and Time 14. Time-Work and Pipes-Cisterns 15. Probability 16. Elementary Algebra 17. Area and Perimeter 18. Volume and Surface Area 19. Trigonometry and Heights & Distances 20. Plane Geometry 21. Co-ordinate Geometry 22. Data Analysis
Paper II: English Language & Comprehension
1. Rearrangement of Sentences to Make a Paragraph 2. One Word Substitution 3. Active and Passive Voice 4. Sentence Improvement 5. Direct and Indirect Speech 6. Common Errors 7. Sentence Completion (Fill in the Blanks) Test 8. Antonyms and Synonyms 9. Spelling(s) 10. Idioms and Phrases 11. Rearranging Parts of Sentences 12. Cloze Test 13. Comprehension 2 Practice Sets
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